Thursday, April 7, 2011

Love Hurts...Well, So Does Friendship

Being friends with me can be a health risk.  In Kindergarten I broke Zach Cornberg's arm by jumping on him.  At a track meet in high school my forceful headbutt to Bret's sternum almost send him to the hospital.  These things are almost always accidental, but I still think it takes a brave person to be my friend.

In high school I loved to give hugs.  I still do, but in high school my hugs were very aggressive in nature.  If I spotted a good friend down the hall or across the street, I would run up to her and squeeze her until she yelled out in pain.

One spring day at Eureka High School I was walking out of the science building after class.  As soon as I stepped out of the double doors, I looked to my right and saw Jenna standing in "The Row," our usual hangout between the main and science building that consisted of grass and some benches.  Jenna had recently become a very good friend of mine.  I was only 15 and a sophomore, so I felt really cool hanging out with a senior (with a car!), especially someone as cool as Jenna.

When I spotted Jenna, of course I had to go hug her immediately.  I dropped my bags where I was standing and broke into a sprint toward Jenna.  Jenna had fallen victim to many an Abby hug before, so she knew what she was in for.  Or so she thought.

She stepped backwards to brace herself, but what she didn't know is that Dillon Adams's skateboard was right behind her.  She stepped on the skateboard at the same time as I made contact with her, sending us both flying through the air.

The next thing I knew, I was on the cement on top of Jenna.  Once we figured out what had happened and got up, I saw that Jenna's jeans were ripped.

"I am so sorry!"

"Oh, don't worry about it."  Jenna was always too nice to me.

But I wasn't very worried about the jeans when I saw Jenna limping to her 5th period English class with Ashley's help.  I apologized more, but Jenna said she was fine.

That Saturday was Jenna's senior prom.  I went and saw Jenna, who was on crutches.  She had gone to the Emergency Room after her class, and it turns out she had sprained her knee and her ankle. 

Well, I guess I had sprained her knee and her ankle.  I felt immensely guilty for making Jenna attend her senior prom with crutches and couldn't stop apologizing.

"Oh, it's okay," Jenna said.  "I don't like dancing, anyway."

Jenna and I still hang out almost every time I am in Eureka.  She doesn't let me drive and is probably a little bit more careful whenever I go to hug her, but somehow Jenna still wants to be my friend.

Me and Jenna: Still friends, but I try not to hurt her anymore

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