Thursday, July 28, 2011

Stop Watching Me Pee: My Recurring Dream

Everyone has a recurring dream, right?  Your teeth are all falling out, you are being chased, you're falling, you show up to school naked...  They all have meanings; I've seen them in dream dictionaries and online.

However, I have never been able to find my recurring dream, and I just had it again last night.  Here it is:

I am going to the bathroom and someone is watching me.

It sounds unpleasant, but sometimes I don't really mind.  Last night I was in a public restroom stall, and there was no wall in between my stall and the one next to it, so my neighbor and I were having a conversation.  As a matter of fact, the person sitting on the toilet next to me just happened to be an attractive young man, and we were actually flirting while using the restroom.  I was having a great time, but I guess I got a little nervous because I unrolled the toilet paper all over the place.

It's not always an attractive male watching, though.  I remember one other time it was, but he was peeping through a hole at me, so I didn't really like that.  Other spectators have included my mother, a creepy old man, and a cute little girl.  Usually the location is a public restroom, but others have included a locker room, my own bathroom, and bathrooms at various houses.

Recently I had a dream that I was using a public restroom at a park and no one else was in the bathroom except for a seagull.  "At least the seagull isn't looking at me," I thought to myself.  Right then, the seagull cocked its head and looked straight into my eyes.

None of my friends are professional dream interpreters, but some have speculated that my recurring dream may mean that I have a lack of privacy in my life.  The closest dream in a dream dictionary I have been able to find is the public nudity dream, which supposedly means that the dreamer is hiding something and is afraid of being exposed...

I know I already used this picture on this blog, but it seemed fitting.


  1. I sometimes have dreams where I have to go pee, usually because I have to irl. Then I'll go to a stall or a bathroom somewhere else. But the stalls will have two toilets in one so people will come in with me. And I'm the only one who cares. Or sometimes the toilets won't even have stals with doors so people just walk past. Then my dream changed and for some reason I was on my classroom that was mixed with a house and for some reason this desk had a toilet and I had to use it in order to go to a spa or some weirdness. But everyone kept staring so I had to take a cup and hide under the desk and I finally got to pee. These dreams always freak me out cause it always feels like I am actually urinating but when I wake up I still have to go. And also why does evryever find watching people pee completely normal and I don't?

  2. When Life Gives You Lemmons: Stop Watching Me Pee: My Recurring Dream >>>>> Download Now

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    When Life Gives You Lemmons: Stop Watching Me Pee: My Recurring Dream >>>>> Download LINK

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    When Life Gives You Lemmons: Stop Watching Me Pee: My Recurring Dream >>>>> Download Full

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